Call for Participation
Aim and Scope of the Workshop
In many ways, the development of a visualization application is similar to a software engineering process, involving technical development and evaluation of methods, development and evaluation of libraries and methods. It therefore follows that reflection and feedback from application experience is needed for refactoring and redesign of future generations of visualization applications.
This workshop aims to encourage systematic analysis, review and refactoring of visualization techniques and applications, including:
- Short anecdotal reports on effectiveness of libraries and applications
- Case studies of unexpected adaptations of visualization software to user tasks
- Post facto evaluations, including failure analysis and post-mortems
- Systematic studies of visualization tools
- Surveys of commercial, industrial or academic usage patterns
- Instrumentation and tracing of visualization libraries or applications
- Requirements analysis for visualization libraries or applications
- Reports on refactoring of visualization applications
The workshop will involve 15-20 minute presentations followed by discussions, and will be held during VisWeek 2009 (Oct. 11-16).
Abstract Submission
The workshop is a full-day event held in conjunction with the IEEE Visualization 2009 Conference. It will follow the successful format of KaV2007 and KaV2008, which attracted between 50-80 participants throughout the day, when the selected contributions were presented at the workshop in a very interactive fashion. For each contribution, there was a 15 minute presentation, and 15 minute question and answer session led by experienced researchers from a steering committee of the workshop.
Participants, who are interested in presenting their work in areas of refactoring visualization from experience, are asked to submit an extended abstract (limited to 2 pages), which will be reviewed by an international program committee (IPC). The selected contributions will be presented in ReVisE2009 in a format similar to KaV2007 and KaV2008. We are also planning to organize a special issue of a journal or a book after the workshop. A number of participants will be invited to make a full submission for a publication in such a special issue or book. The selection for full submission will be based on the quality of both the extended abstract and the oral presentation in the workshop.
The submission of extended abstract is due on Monday, August 10, 2009. Each extended abstract must contain the following information:
- Title, Author(s) and Affiliation(s)
- Introduction (or Problem Statement) - In this section, the author(s) should include a clear statement(s) about the scientific or technical problem to be addressed, and if appropriate, a brief description of the relevant background (such as application, data modality).
- Approach (or Methods) - In this section, the author(s) can describe what is the information extracted from the data, and if any, describe what is the knowledge inferred from the information; and outline the methods for information extraction and/or knowledge inference, explain why do you think the methods are technically sound.
- Results and Evaluation - In this section, the author(s) can present results and evaluation of the work.
- Discussions and Conclusions (and Relationship to ReVisE) - In this section, the author(s) should state the main novel contributions of this work in the spirit of refactoring visualization from experience.
- References to major prior works in the field.
We recommend following the formatting guideline of VGTC conferences, which can be found at the following: link. Please submit online.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: August 10, 2009.
- Notification Date: September 9, 2009.
- Workshop Date: October, 12 2009.
Contact Point:
- Abstract Submission: Min Chen
- General Enquiry: Min Chen
© 2009 Wright State University
Questions, comments, or suggestions on the web page can be addressed to: Thomas Wischgoll